SJR - Sake Japanese Restaurant
SJR stands for Sake Japanese Restaurant
Here you will find, what does SJR stand for in Law under Firm category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Sake Japanese Restaurant? Sake Japanese Restaurant can be abbreviated as SJR What does SJR stand for? SJR stands for Sake Japanese Restaurant. What does Sake Japanese Restaurant mean?Sake Japanese Restaurant is an expansion of SJR
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Alternative definitions of SJR
- Saint Joseph Regional High School
- St. John the Russian Orthodox Church
- Shaw Communications, Inc.
- SCImago Journal Rank
- South Jersey Region
- Saint Joseph Regional High School
- Spin Jig Rod
- Sierra Judgment Recovery
View 37 other definitions of SJR on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SWC Scarborough Women's Centre
- SC The Spine Center
- SLC Scottish Land Commission
- SDC Six Degree Consulting
- SCPC Svec Conway Printing Company
- SCG Shelter Census Group
- SFSL Spotless Facility Services Ltd
- SBGR Song Be Golf Resort
- SBC School of Business Competences
- ST Standard of Trust
- SCCM The Salerno Center for Complementary Medicine
- SSA Sheridan Solomon and Associates
- SKPL Sunshine Kitchens Pvt. Ltd.
- SFSAG Signa Financial Services AG
- SWIS Star World International Services
- SPA Schenck Process Africa
- SIET Stef Information Et Technologies
- SPPS Swedish Prison and Probation Service
- SS The Sovereign Society
- STPE Straight Talking Peer Education